

I like to think that over the years I’ve built up a vast array of skills; one of my favorites being the ability to build complicated machines from scratch. For example, I built my own Laser Engraver to be able etch materials such as Plasterzote, Leather, Vinyl, Wood, Sheet Plastics and Metals to create fine, accurate results for the use of detailing in areas such as props and costumes.

A Laser Engraver is a fantastic tool to own. Its efficiency, speed to cut materials and etching ability deliver a perfect and accurate result every time. The Laser Cutter uses light, which makes production much safer than using gas powered machines; another one of the reasons why this machine is a personal favourite of mine. The LED machine I personally created is also silent; a great feature for when you are concentrating on difficult projects that involve a lot of time and focus.


I use 3D printing equipment to help visualize my client’s designs. This allows the production team to interact with the project on a miniature scale, which allows an in depth understanding of how the pieces being created will be used in production. A great example of this would be character design. How will it work with the performer? 3D Printing equipment allows us to assess this before the final product is used ‘on the day.’

With the aid of three-dimensional printing the processes for creating props, horns, armour or any other design can be produced much faster than if it were to be crafted by hand. Computer aided design enhances accuracy and consistency for a large volume of unit fabrication to ensure absolute quality on finished products.


I use many materials in my studio to create extensive, intricate moulds for prosthetics, props and costume accessories. Having access to equipment such as a Vacuum Forming Machine allows me to create sophisticated pieces such as armour out of thin plastic materials. This technology can also be used to create a comprehensive range of different produce such as teeth for monsters or characters.


Deciding what materials to use is of course dependent on the design you are making. Personally, I use silicones, stones and urethanes or certain moulds to create parts. It’s important to assess the properties involved in the design you are making so that you can always create with the best and most reliable materials.


Making props and costume has become one of my more favourite aspects of working in the film industry. Over the years of your career, you get the opportunity to try new and exciting things and then discover you can apply similar techniques used for your Media Make-Up and Prosthetics to all areas of your design work.


My ultimate goal with Exilian Studios is to provide practical effects at their finest and for my creative and artistic talents to keep growing with every successful year in this extensive industry.

Process Log